Thursday, August 13, 2015


photo by Benjamin Thomas

I just think author A.J. Jacobs' latest project is so cool, and fun.  He has spent over a year creating the largest family tree of all time, interviewing 20-times-removed celebrity cousins and such as he goes.   We know we are all brothers and sisters, right?   "For the first time ever – thanks to mind-boggling advances in the science of family trees – we can figure out how we're related to almost any other human on earth.  It's a revolution," says Jacobs.       story          

Principle in the type:  "Every family has . . . keepsakes.  These include genealogies, family stories, historical accounts, and traditions.  These . . . keepsakes also form a bridge between past and future and bind generations together in ways that no other keepsake can."     Dennis B. Neuenschwander      


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