Friday, April 29, 2016


photo by David Goehring

Oh dear, sweet, politics.  How you torture us.
Here's to a simpler day:


Principle in the type:  "Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts will inevitably bring about right results."     James Lane Allen


                                                                                      Happy Weekend all you Peeps!

Thursday, April 28, 2016


photo by lovelyinlatoo

I don't know what to be:  Thrilled by the volunteers cleaning out the L.A. River, or disgusted by the truck loads of trash and filth pulled from the L.A. River.  You wouldn't believe what I've seen.  The clean-up sponsored by the Friends of the L.A. River is scheduled "over three consecutive Saturdays in the month of April."   Some are mess makers.  Some are mess cleaner uppers.    news        

Principle in the type:  "We may act by giving our time and talents, a kind word, or a strong back.  As we seek and see, we will be placed in circumstances and situations where we can act and bless."     W. Christopher Waddell

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


photo by Luz Bratcher

Introducing the most beautiful bulldog of 2016, ---Vincent!  (Or, maybe, the Handsomest?)  Meatball and Daffodil were runners-up in this dog eat dog competition.   Vincent, recently adopted, only entered the Des Moines, Iowa 37th annual Drake Relays Beautiful Bulldog Contest after owner Meredith Green figured, " 'Let's give it a try!' "     Some of life's best results have come from a good old 'Let's give it try!'   story      

Principle in the type:  "Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”   Henry Ford

Monday, April 25, 2016


photo by David Abercrombie

So, that solar plane is cool.   In the ninth leg of a round-the-world trip started in March, pilot Bertrand Piccard landed the Solar Impulse 2 near San Francisco, Saturday afternoon.   The airplane has the ability to fly both day and night, with its only 'fuel' being energy from the sun.   " 'It's an adventure we want to share with the public,' Piccard said."   This is indeed the stuff dreams are made of.   Piccard remembered being inspired by astronauts as a boy.  "He said if he and his team could do the same for others, 'that would be fantastic,' "     news            

Principle in the type:  "No other generation has been the beneficiary of so much knowledge, of so much experience, of so much affluence and opportunity."      Gordon B. Hinckley