Wednesday, February 11, 2015


photo by Anthony Quintano

It's been over a week since Groundhog Day.  You'll remember Groundhog Day was February 2nd, because that was the day you saw Bill Murray's face (in the movie Groundhog Day) on every channel you flipped to.

The Groundhog Day news is:  More cold weather ahead.   "The famed Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow Monday morning, predicting another six weeks of winter."  article

Biting his handler, and seeing his shadow is Phil's way of saying prepare for more snow.  Yup, it's science.  And with this kind of technology, who needs apps? 

Principle in the type:  "With technology you are witnessing an explosion of knowledge. You are constantly bombarded by sound, video, and networking. Be selective and don’t allow this surge of information to distract you or slow your progress. . . . You determine your goals. You decide what enters your mind and heart."  Mary N. Cook


(For a good time watch this cute scene from Groundhog Day---)


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